
Hay welcome to my blog, we will discuss swot about games here, what are strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities.(Hay selamat datang di blog saya, kita disini akan membahasa swot tentang games apa itu kekuatan, kelemahan, ancaman, dan peluang )

Swot for games :

    Quadrant 2: Strengths – what you have going for you
    Quadrant 3: Weaknesses – anything that can be improved upon
    Quadrant 4: Threats – obstacles that you must surpass
    Quadrant 1: Opportunities – leads that you can focus your energy on

After everyone has written their ideas, have them post their sticky notes on the respective quadrants. As a team, go through each category and cluster the related ideas together. Have players dot vote with the stickers you have provided to identify the most relevant clusters.

Example :
 Above is an example of a game that is currently viral in Indonesia or in other countries.

(Swot untuk permainan:

     Kuadran 2: Kekuatan - apa yang Anda miliki untuk Anda
     Kuadran 3: Kelemahan - apa pun yang bisa diperbaiki
     Kuadran 4: Ancaman - rintangan yang harus Anda lewati
     Kuadran 1: Peluang - mengarahkan Anda untuk memfokuskan energi Anda

Setelah semua orang menulis ide-ide mereka, minta mereka menempelkan catatan tempel pada kuadran masing-masing. Sebagai sebuah tim, pelajari setiap kategori dan gabungkan ide-ide terkait bersama-sama. Mintalah para pemain dot memilih stiker yang telah Anda sediakan untuk mengidentifikasi kluster yang paling relevan.) 

 so hopefully I will be useful, forgive if there are wrong words, have a nice day.


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